Portomesenteric thrombosis with bowel necrosis in COVID-19 patient: case report

  • Vedrana Biošić County Hospital Čakovec
  • Dražen Krištofić
  • Zvonimir Magaš
  • Renata Čulinović-Čaić
  • Ina Posavec
  • Branimir Mikec
Keywords: COVID-19, thromboembolism, portal vein thrombosis, bowel necrosis


Background: COVID-19 related hypercoagulability is by now a well-established complication of this viral disease. The exact pathophysiological mechanisms of this process are not entirely clear but endothelial cell damage is thought to be a precursor to the pathological activation of the coagulation cascade. Although pulmonary embolism is the commonest thrombotic event, thromboemboli can form anywhere in the body and intraabdominal vessels are no exception. Descriptions of cases with bowel necrosis due to portomesenteric thrombosis have been increasingly emerging.
Case study: We present the case of a 60-year-old male COVID-19 positive patient with a radiologically confirmed portal vein and superior mesenteric vein thrombosis with small bowel necrosis treated surgically at our Institution. The thrombotic event was contributed to the viral infection and in conjunction with surgical treatment anticoagulant therapy was introduced.
Conclusion: Although often self limiting, gastrointestinal complaints in covid patients could also prove to be a surgical emergency. High risk of thromboembolic events in COVID-19 patients has to be taken into consideration while examining and treating the patient.


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How to Cite
Biošić V, Krištofić D, Magaš Z, Čulinović-Čaić R, Posavec I, Mikec B. Portomesenteric thrombosis with bowel necrosis in COVID-19 patient: case report. Acta Chir. Croat. [Internet]. 2024Nov.25 [cited 2025Feb.19];21(1):39-1. Available from: https://acc.hkd.com.hr/index.php/ACC/article/view/132
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