The effect of continuous use of intravenous analgesia on the quality of postoperative health care

  • Leonita Orascanin Bachelor of nursing
  • Vesna Bratic
  • Emica Juric Popovic
  • Anita Lukic
Keywords: Analgesia; pain; postoperative care


Background: To investigate the effects of continuous administration of intravenous analgesia on the quality of postoperative care, and the impact of analgesia on reducing the length of stay in the intensive care unit.

Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted that included 199 patients who were hospitalized at the Clinic for Anesthesiology, Reanimation, Intensive Medicine and Pain Therapy, Department of Anesthesiology, Postoperative Care and Intensive Medicine for Surgical Patients, University hospital Center Zagreb. For the purpose of the research, a visual analogue pain assessment scale was used. The research was conducted in the period from June 2022 to September 2022.

Results: The average age of the patients is 66 years, 67.8% had abdominal surgery, and 64.8% were male. Trauma patients are significantly younger than abdominal and vascular patients (P=0.001). The largest number of patients after abdominal surgery received continuous + bolus analgesia (P<0.001). Older patients have a lower initial VAS than younger patients (P=0.014). Men (P<0.001), abdominal patients (P=0.010) and patients after continuous (P=0.010), continuous + bolus (P=0.001) and bolus analgesia (P<0.001) had a higher initial VAS value and average VAS value. . Patients with higher initial values on the VAS scale had a higher average VAS value (P<0.001).

Conclusion: The continuous application of analgesia with the use of bolus analgesia has a more favorable effect on pain and affects the quality of patient healthcare during hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit.


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How to Cite
Orascanin L, Bratic V, Juric Popovic E, Lukic A. The effect of continuous use of intravenous analgesia on the quality of postoperative health care . Acta Chir. Croat. [Internet]. 2024Nov.25 [cited 2025Feb.19];21(1):17-1. Available from: