Carcinoma of the male breast
The article shows five patients suffering from the breast cancer, who were treated at the Surgery Ward, General Hospital in Bjelovar within the period from 1980 until 2002. Male breast cancer is a relatively rare disease. The ratio is 1 in 100.000 of population, and 1% of breast carcinoma, and approximately 1,5% of all maligmant tumors in men. The ratio with our analysed patients is 5:511 or 1,22%. The breast cancer in four cases was in an advanced stage; the age of diagnosis was in average 12,5 years later than for women. A clinical picture showed unilateral, firm formations, placed under the nipple, retracted nipple and ulceration. Pathohistological characheristics of men's breast cancer correspond to the women's breast cancer. For all our patients the pathohistological findings were ductal invasive carcinoma of G1, G2, G3 biological aggressiveness. Diagnostic methods applied in men's braest cancer detecting were: physical checkup, mammography ultrasound, cytological, examination and biopsy. The treatment was determined for each patient individually, and it depended on clinical status of tumor, age and general condition of the patient. The methods of the breast cancer treatment for our male patients were surgical, radiotherapeutic, chemotherapeutic and hormonal. All our patients were operated on. One of the patients had a radical mastectomy, three of them had a modified radical mastectomy and one patients had a simple mastectomy, so called sanitary ablation, witch had a pallative role with an aim to stop further bleeding from the cancer, and to get a pathohystological diagnosis and to improve the quality of life. Final results of the treatment are not favourable for the treatment of all the patients started very late.
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