Tachosil® in hepatobiliary surgery - our experience

  • Mate Skegro
  • Ognjan Deban
  • Goran Pavlek
Keywords: TachoSil®, haemostasis, bleeding time, liver resection


TachoSil® is a product used in surgical branches of medicine as a supportive therapy. Specifically, this product is used for local support of haemostasis and tissue sealing during surgical treatment where satisfactory results have not been achieved by conventional techniques. We observed the duration of intraoperative hemostasis, compared it with already available results showing the duration of haemostasis in other cases and clearly demonstrated the benefits of TachoSil®. In a sample of ten patients with intraoperative use of TachoSil®, the mean value of haemostasis was 4.2 min (3.2 min-7 min). A leakage of bile into the abdominal drain was observed in only one patient after the administration of TachoSil®. In hepatobiliary surgery, cost/benefit ratio is undoubtedly in favour of TachoSil®. Our results correlate well with those of our colleagues from around the world.


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TachoSilR product monograph, Denmark, September 2011.

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How to Cite
Skegro M, Deban O, Pavlek G. Tachosil® in hepatobiliary surgery - our experience. Acta Chir. Croat. [Internet]. 2012Mar.15 [cited 2025Feb.19];9(1):35-8. Available from: https://acc.hkd.com.hr/index.php/ACC/article/view/78

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