Gunshot wound to the abdomen

  • Dragan Korolija-Marinic
  • Goran Pavlek
  • Goran Augustin
  • Ivan Krhen
  • Petar Matosevic
  • Mate Skegro
Keywords: vena cava, vascular system injury, gunshot wounds, multiple trauma


Injuries to the inferior vena cava have always carried a high mortality rate. Although the mortality rate has decreased over time, their care remains a significant surgical challenge. We present a case of a 21-year-old man who suffered a gunshot wound in the right lumbar region. We showed the clinical picture of the patient upon arrival, the course of treatment at the Department of Emergency Medicine at UHC Zagreb and the method of surgical care. We compared our results with those of the currently available literature for the identification of predictive factors that could affect the favorable outcome. Our goal was to show how a quick reaction, a rapid surgical intervention and an experienced surgical team can lead to a favorable outcome, which is also shown.


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How to Cite
Korolija-Marinic D, Pavlek G, Augustin G, Krhen I, Matosevic P, Skegro M. Gunshot wound to the abdomen. Acta Chir. Croat. [Internet]. 2012Mar.15 [cited 2025Feb.19];9(1):39-1. Available from:
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