Surgical treatment of tibial fractures

  • Ivan Koprivcic
  • Ivan Lovric
  • Goran Kondza
  • Vedran Farkas
  • Marko Babic
Keywords: tibial fracture, tibia, osteosynthesis, surgical treatment


Data used in this research are derived from retrospective analysis of medical documentation of the Department of Traumatology, University Hospital Centre Osijek, in the period from January 1st to December 31st 2010. Research includes 130 patients (72 male, 58 female) aged from 4 to 83. Results show that tibial fractures represent 20% of all long bone fractures. The most common fracture is the fracture of lower 1/3 of tibia (43,08%). Most fractures (125) were treated surgically, only few patients (5) were able to avoid operation. Plates and screws are the most commonly used method of osteosynthesis.


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How to Cite
Koprivcic I, Lovric I, Kondza G, Farkas V, Babic M. Surgical treatment of tibial fractures. Acta Chir. Croat. [Internet]. 2012Mar.15 [cited 2025Feb.19];9(1):43-4. Available from:

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